Statistical machine learning is considered by the groups of Marc Deisenroth (DoC) and Andras Gyorgy (EEE).

Marc Deisenroth’s group (DoC)

The research of Dr Deisenroth’s group centers around statistical machine learning with a focus on Bayesian methods for data-efficient learning.  Our expertise lies in Gaussian processes, Bayesian optimization, reinforcement learning, robot learning, Bayesian state estimation, and system identification. Application areas include autonomous systems, robotics, time series analysis, reinforcement learning, and personalized healthcare.

For more information about our current and recent projects, please visit and contact Marc Deisenroth
( for more information.

Andras Gyorgy’s group (EEE)

The research of Dr Gyorgy’s group focuses on designing practical machine learning algorithms with provable performance guarantees, including online learning, statistical learning theory, big data problems, optimization and search, and Monte Carlo methods. Application areas include autonomous systems, telecommunication, reinforcement learning, and security.

For more information please visit or contact Dr. Gyorgy (