From October 2016 we have been running an integrated 4 year PhD programme. The structure is outlined below.

The EPSRC-HiPEDS CDT 4-year integrated PhD programme is jointly run by the Departments of Computing and Electrical and Electronic Engineering. In the first year students follow a programme consisting of, in addition to commencing their PhD groundwork, various research training and professional skills:
- Group Project (Autumn term), an “Outreach” project sponsored by industrial partners, resulting in a poster and presentation;
- Academic reading course (Autumn/Spring terms), to develop skills in critical reading of research papers. with continuous feedback of student reviews and presentations to their peers;
- Research literature survey of the PhD topic area, written in the style of a survey paper with a report and presentation to a supervisor, members of the CDT team and their peers;
- HiPEDS specific component, currently a course in Cyber-Physical Systems;
- Various Professional skills and Cohort activities: for example Presentations, group discussions and seminars, specific HiPEDS seminars and meetings.
Students will finalise their PhD topic at the end of the first 6 months, while the first College milestone will be at Month 12, which will consist of a research report and seminar presentation.
Further cohort and leadership building activities, including outreach and public engagement, will take place during the remaining three years of the PhD programme; there will also be opportunities for industrial internships.
To apply for HiPEDS, please see the How-to-Apply tab. You may also like to email to say that you are interested.