HiPEDS Seminar: How can you trust formally verified software?

611 (Gabor Seminar Room), EEE Building

Abstract: Formal verification of software has finally started to become viable: we have examples of formally verified microkernels, realistic compilers, hypervisors etc. These are huge achievements and we can expect to see even more impressive results in the future but the correctness proofs depend on a number of assumptions about the Trusted Computing Base that... Read more »

HiPEDS Seminar: Distributed Private Data Collection at Scale

Huxley Building Room 218 Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Abstract: Large technology companies rely on collecting data from their users to understand their interests, and better customize the company's products. Increasingly, this must be done while preserving individual users' privacy.  Recently, techniques based on radomization and data sketching have been adopted to provide data collection protocols which optimize the privacy accuracy trade-off.  In this talk, I'll... Read more »

HiPEDS Seminar: Big Data and the Cloud: Implications for Structured Data Management

Huxley Building, Room 217/218 Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Abstract: I will present an overview of some of the open challenges and opportunities for structured data management that are especially relevant for today’s world of Big Data and the Cloud. In the second half of the talk, I will discuss in depth one of the opportunities - approximate query processing - and reflect on... Read more »

HiPEDS Seminar: Probabilistic models and principled decision making @ PROWLER.io

RSM G41 Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Abstract: What use is machine learning unless we can turn predictions into decisions? In this talk I'll explain how this idea motivates our strategy at PROWLER.io. I'll explain how different research teams at the company are attacking different parts of decision theory, and focus on outputs from the probabilistic modelling team. I'll show how probabilistic... Read more »

HiPEDS Seminar: Building Computer Vision Systems That Really Work

Huxley 342

Title: Building Computer Vision Systems That Really Work Speaker: Andrew Fitzgibbon, Microsoft  Andrew Fitzgibbon has been shipping advanced computer vision systems for twenty years. In 1999, prize-winning research from Oxford University was spun out to become the Emmy-award-winning camera tracker “boujou”, which has been used to insert computer graphics into live-action footage in pretty much... Read more »

An IP provider’s perspective on functional safety

EEE Level 9 Seminar Room

Title: An IP provider’s perspective on functional safety Speaker: Pete Harrod, Director of Functional Safety at Arm, Cambridge. Royal Academy of Engineering Visiting Professor in Dependable Embedded Computing, Imperial In this talk, Pete will briefly tell you something about himself, his time at Arm and what he does there now – and introduce his role as a part-time Visiting... Read more »

HiPEDS Seminar: Symbolic Repairs for GR(1) Specifications

Huxley Building, Room 217/218 Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Title: Symbolic Repairs for GR(1) Specifications Speaker: Jan Oliver Ringert, Lecturer in Model-Based Software Development in the Department of Informatics at the University of Leicester Abstract: Reactive synthesis is an automated procedure to obtain a correct-by-construction reactive system from a given specification. Examples include GR(1), an expressive assume-guarantee fragment of LTL, that enables efficient synthesis of the software... Read more »

HiPEDS seminar: Certifying Multicore Timing Analysis for Real-Time Systems

Huxley 217/218 180 Queens Gate, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Title: Certifying Multicore Timing Analysis for Real-Time Systems Speaker: Dr Guillem Bernat, Rapita Systems Abstract: The potential for increased performance by using multicore processors is not in question. Their use offers a solution to break the memory, power and instruction level parallelism (ILP) walls that prevent single-core platforms from meeting the increasing demands of modern embedded avionics software.... Read more »

Seminar: Modernising Asychronous C++

Huxley Building 144 Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom

Title: Modernising Asychronous C++ Speaker: Lee Howes, Facebook Abstract: In C++11, C++ finally officially discovered concurrency. The advent of an official memory model and atomic operations made possible what had earlier relied on implementation-defined behaviour. In C++17, C++ acquired parallel algorithms - a very basic subset of what OpenMP offers, but a start towards parallelism... Read more »