The EPSRC-HiPEDS CDT programme has a “1+3” structure, with the first year being the purpose-developed HiPEDS MRes, jointly run by the Departments of Computing and Electrical and Electronic Engineering, followed by a three year PhD. The aim of the MRes is to give students the time to develop all of the technical skills and background knowledge required to carry out the PhD work successfully.
The MRes programme includes the following activities:
- Two taught courses, from either or both departments (DoC and EEE), at least one normally in the Autumn term. An Independent Study Option (ISO) may substitute one taught course.
- Research literature survey (Autumn/Spring terms).
- Academic writing course (Autumn/Spring terms) to develop skills in critically reading and writing research papers.
- Group Project (Autumn term) an “Outreach” project sponsored by industrial partners.
- Individual project to run until end of MRes year in September; it will be assessed by presentations and written report.
- Professional skills and Cohort activities: for example Presentations, group discussions and seminars, specific HiPEDS seminars and meetings.
Further cohort building activities will take place during the 3-year PhD programme and there will be opportunities for industrial internships.