
These videos are hosted on our imperialrobotvision YouTube channel and can be viewed directly there or via the embeddings below.

Real-Time 3D Reconstruction and 6-DoF Tracking with an Event Camera – ECCV 2016

Dense Planar SLAM – ISMAR 2014

Simultaneous Mosaicing and Tracking with an Event Camera – BMVC 2014

Backscatter Compensated Photometric Stereo with 3 Sources – CVPR 2014

SLAM++: Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping at the Level of Objects

Double Window Optimisation for Constant Time Visual SLAM


DTAM: Dense Tracking and Mapping in Real-Time

Accurate Visual Odometry from a Rear Parking Camera

Active Matching

Automatically and Efficiently Inferring the Hierarchical Structure of Visual Maps

1-Point RANSAC for EKF-Based Structure from Motion

SLAM-Based Automatic Extrinsic Calibration of a Multi-Camera Rig

Real-time 6DoF Planar Mosaicing

Scalable Active Matching

Live Feature Clustering in Video Using Appearance and 3D Geometry

Scale Drift-Aware Large Scale Monocular SLAM

Real-Time Spherical Mosaicing using Whole Image Alignment

Live Dense Reconstruction with a Single Moving Camera

MonoSLAM: Real-Time Single Camera SLAM