The Robot Vision Group at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, conducts research on real-time computer vision techniques applicable to robotics or other demanding real-world, real-time applications. Our particular focus is on problems related to visual SLAM (Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping): how can a camera flying through the 3D world estimate its location robustly, accurately and in real-time, and how far can it go in mapping or modelling the scene around it as it does this? And crucially, we are interested in real-time solutions where continuous high frame-rate operation permits true prediction, active processing and interaction.
The Robot Vision Group is closely linked to the Dyson Robotics Laboratory at Imperial College, founded in 2014 to work on the application of robot vision technology to new categories of capability in home robotics. Please see the Dyson Lab website for more details.
The Robot Vision Group logo is derived from Alexander Boden, The Mechanic Eye, 28 April 2007, flickr, licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 .