[News Archive] March 2011: SLAM-Based Automatic Extrinsic Calibration of a Multi-Camera Rig

March 2011: Gerardo Carrera and Adrien Angeli will go to ICRA in Shanghai in May to present our work on automatic calibration of a multi-camera rig. We show that a rig of two or more cameras mounted on a mobile robot can have their relative extrinsic locations automatically calibrated, even if they have no overlap in their fields of view. The robot makes a movement pattern including a full rotation, and each camera builds its own monocular SLAM map. These maps are then matched, fused and jointly optimised, imposing the rigidity of the whole rig, to estimate the camera configuration. We present results for both two and four cameras.

SLAM-Based Automatic Extrinsic Calibration of a Multi-Camera Rig (PDF format),
Gerardo Carrera, Adrien Angeli and Andrew J. Davison, ICRA 2011.

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