[News Archive] Jan 2004: much improved Single Camera SLAM results using a wide-angle lens

Jan 2004: much improved Single Camera SLAM results using a wide-angle lens, in collaboration with Yolanda Gonzalez Cid and Nobuyuki Kita. The camera used was the wide-angle version of the Unibrain Fire-i which has a field of view of just over 90 degrees. The camera was pre-calibrated via a perspective + one parameter radial distortion model. The wide field of view means that features can be seen through much larger ranges of camera movement, and mapping can be sparser and more efficient — extending the range of application from the desk-top scale to a small room. Camera motion estimation results are noticeably more stable and close to ground truth. As before, all processing here is at 30Hz on a standard laptop. These results will be
published at IAV2004 (see paper below).

Real-Time 3D SLAM with Wide-Angle Vision (PDF format),
Andrew J. Davison, Yolanda Gonzalez Cid and Nobuyuki Kita, IAV 2004.

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