
Miss Xi (April) Chen

April has recently joined the ITA project on “Declarative networking for network and security management of Hybrid and Dynamic networks”. She is currently in her 3rd year of PhD under the direct supervision of William Knottenbelt. Her research interests are in Performance Analysis, Resource Management, Virtualisation and Cloud computing.


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Mr Milo Wall Coomber

Milo started his PhD in October 2014, supported by an EPSRC DTA Scholarship. He has been working on the development of a logic-based learning algorithm for linear temporal logic. No logic-based learning algorithm has ever been developed so far for linear temporal logic. Milo is currently under the joint supervision of myself and Dr Krysia Broda.

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Mr Mark Law

Mark  is a 2nd year PhD student. He started his PhD in October 2013, supported by  a departmental PhD/Teaching Fellowship, after gaining a First class degree honour in Joint Maths and Computing at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London. He is under His research is currently focused on learning ASP programs, i.e. logic programs with aggregates, constraints and optimisation statements. This problem has never been tackled before and its solutions will provide automated mechanisms for combining knowledge extraction and optimisations, so enabling novel applications of structural learning in complex real-world problem.

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Mr Calin-Rares Turliuc

raresCalin-Rares is a 4th year PhD student under the joint supervision of Dr Alessandra Russo and Dr Krysia Broda. His research is currently focused on novel methods for probabilistic logic-based learning. He is exploring probabilistic extensions of established inductive logic programming (ILP) paradigms, abductive frameworks and answer-set programming (ASP) systems. His broader research interests include also applications of machine learning in bioinformatics, natural language processing and software engineering.

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Mr Graham Deane

Graham DeaneGraham is a 4th year PhD student under the joint supervision of Dr Alessandra Russo and Dr Krysia Broda, sponsored by a Departmental Phd/Teaching fellowship. His research is centred on the development of novel methods for reasoning about ontologies, detecting inconsistencies and provide revision algorithms.  The application domain is that of  business processes and semantic web, where Graham has an established experience gained through his past work experience.

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Ms Duangtida Athakravi

MoDuangtida is a 4th year PhD student under the joint supervision of  Dr Russo and Dr Broda. Her research is  focused on novel algorithms for efficient non-monotonic inductive logic programming  that are scalable to large noisy data set in real domain applications. Her application domains include self-adaptive systems, where the challenge is how to learn user-driven policies about user-behaviours data, collected through mobile devices, in order to support run-time personalised security and privacy adaptation.

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Ms Nataly Maimari

Nataly is a PhD student at the Department of Bioengineering under the  joint supervision of Professor Rob Krams and Dr Alessandra Russo. After her undergraduate degree in Biology, she was awarded an MSc in Computer Science at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London and subsequently  received a 4 year PhD studentship by the British Heart Foundation at Imperial with the aim to develop computational models of gene regulatory networks. She is currently in her 3rd year of PhD and her research is focused on the use of probabilistic abductive inference for the automatic extraction of logic-based models of gene regulatory networks from microarray data.

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Dr Yasmeen Rafiq

Dr Yasmeen Rafiq is a post-doc research associate  at Imperial College London, working on the EPSRC project Privacy Dynamics. She was awarded her PhD at the University of York, UK, in 2015 in the area of on-line learning for computer system modelling and adaptation. Her interests are in the area of on-line learning, with particular focus on new algorithms for learning and updating parameters of several types of Markovian models and queueing networks used in QoS engineering for computer systems.

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Dr Anna Lavygina

lavygina-170x300Dr. Anna Lavygina is a research associate at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, working on the Allow – Ensemble EU project lead by Dr Naranker Dulay. Her research interests include artificial intelligence, machine learning, evolutionary computation, biologically-inspired algorithms, fuzzy systems identification, optimization of multi-objective, combinatorial, dynamic constrained problems.

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Dr. Andrea Gaglione

Dr. Andrea Ganglion is a postdoc research associate at the Department of Computing, Imperial College London, working on the Allow – Ensemble EU project lead by Dr Naranker Dulay. His research interests include networked embedded systems, wireless sensor networks, body sensor networks and critical infrastructure protection.


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