- From Data to Donations: Optimal Fundraising Campaigns for Non-Profit Organizations (1/31/2025)
- Differential Privacy via Distributionally Robust Optimization (1/15/2025)
- From Data to Donations: Optimal Fundraising Campaigns for Non-Profit Organizations (again!) (12/13/2024)
- Multi-Stage Robust Mixed-Integer Programming (12/13/2024)
- From Data to Donations: Optimal Fundraising Campaigns for Non-Profit Organizations (11/28/2024)
- Distributionally Robust Optimization (11/9/2024)
- George Nicholson Student Paper Competition (10/21/2024)
- President’s PhD Scholarship for Fupeng Sun (10/14/2024)
- L4DC 2024 (7/16/2024)
- SWIMS 2024 (7/16/2024)
- Teaching Award (7/15/2024)
- G-Research 2024 PhD Prize (6/18/2024)
- 2024 ISyE Junior Researcher Workshop (4/24/2024)
- Randomized Assortment Optimization (again!) (4/24/2024)
- Randomized Assortment Optimization (4/23/2024)
- 2024 INFORMS Manufacturing and Service OperationsManagement Conference (2/21/2024)
- Large-Scale and Data-Driven Markov Decision Processes (2/21/2024)
- 49th LNMB Conference on the Mathematics of Operations Research (1/17/2024)
- Management Science: Data Science Department (1/10/2024)
- OR Letters (1/1/2024)
- Randomized Assortment Optimization (12/14/2023)
- Large-Scale and Data-Driven Markov Decision Processes (10/10/2023)
- A Unifying Framework for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem under Risk and Ambiguity (9/26/2023)
- George Nicholson Student Paper Competition (9/18/2023)
- A Unified Theory of Robust and Distributionally Robust Optimization via the Primal-Worst-Equals-Dual-Best Principle (7/6/2023)
- SIAM Conference on Optimization (6/3/2023)
- Pint of Science (5/17/2023)
- Sargent Centre Award (5/9/2023)
- Rising Stars Workshop (5/3/2023)
- SIAM Travel Award (3/31/2023)
- PitchFest Finalist (3/22/2023)
- A Planner-Trader Decomposition for Multi-Market Hydro Scheduling (3/21/2023)
- NeurIPS 2023 (3/8/2023)
- On Approximations of Data-Driven Chance Constrained Programs over Wasserstein Balls (2/16/2023)
- Randomized Assortment Optimization x 2 (2/14/2023)
- Randomized Assortment Optimization (again!) (12/2/2022)
- Outstanding Reviewer Awards (11/28/2022)
- NeurIPS Scholar (10/8/2022)
- Randomized Assortment Optimization (9/30/2022)
- NeurIPS x 2 (9/15/2022)
- Sargent Centre Summer School on Data-Driven Optimisation (9/6/2022)
- Mathematical Optimization Society (8/19/2022)
- Multi-Stage Robust Optimization (7/24/2022)
- Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic (6/24/2022)
- Turing PhD Enrichment Placement Award (5/17/2022)
- Data-Driven Chance Constrained Programs over Wasserstein Balls (5/9/2022)
- Seminar: Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic (again!) (4/16/2022)
- Seminar: Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic (4/2/2022)
- Imperial College Research Fellowship (2/4/2022)
- Weakly Coupled Dynamic Programs, Fluid Limits, and COVID-19: How Optimization Can Help Inform Policymaking (12/22/2021)
- PGMO Days 2021 (11/30/2021)
- ICCOPT 2022: Optimization under Uncertainty (11/26/2021)
- Mathematical Programming (11/26/2021)
- Workshop on Robust and Stochastic Optimization Methods (11/21/2021)
- SNSF Ambizione Grant (9/2/2021)
- INFORMS Computing Society Student Paper Award (8/24/2021)
- Partial Policy Iteration for L1-Robust Markov Decision Processes (8/11/2021)
- Optimal National Prioritization Policies for Hospital Care During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic (7/16/2021)
- Function 2021 Workshop (7/12/2021)
- On Linear Optimization over Wasserstein Balls (6/7/2021)
- Networks Conference (6/3/2021)
- Designing Digital Rollovers: Managing Perceived Obsolescence through Release Times (4/27/2021)
- Invited Talk at CUHK (4/16/2021)
- Imperial College: Decision-Making under Uncertainty (3/4/2021)
- Associate Editorship: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management (12/19/2020)
- 5th Winter School on Data Analytics (11/22/2020)
- Second prize in the TSL Best Paper Award 2020 (11/15/2020)
- IDLES in the news! (10/9/2020)
- Aras is on the Dean’s List (10/2/2020)
- President’s PhD Scholarship for Zhengchao (6/11/2020)
- Plenary Talk at ROADEF 2020 (2/24/2020)
- Area Editorship: Operations Research Letters (12/15/2019)
- Imperial College’s Control and Optimisation Seminars (10/23/2019)
- We’re hiring! (10/10/2019)
- 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (9/3/2019)
- Stochastic Programming Society Elections (8/3/2019)
- 15th International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP) (8/2/2019)
- K-Adaptability in Two-Stage Mixed-Integer Robust Optimization (7/25/2019)
- The Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem (7/7/2019)
- Invited Talk at TU Eindhoven (6/22/2019)
- Hong Kong * 3 (6/11/2019)
- President’s Award for Excellence in Research (5/17/2019)
- Congratulations Dr Esma (once again)! (5/14/2019)
- Invited Talk at Erasmus University Rotterdam (3/24/2019)
- A Primal-Dual Lifting Scheme for Two-Stage Robust Optimization (3/23/2019)
- Building Research Bridges: American University of Beirut (2/19/2019)
- Size Matters: Cardinality-Constrained Clustering and Outlier Detection via Conic Optimization (1/23/2019)
- Invited Talk at BIRS Workshop in Banff (1/15/2019)
- ICCOPT Cluster on Robust Optimization (1/15/2019)
- Invited Talk at EPFL (12/15/2018)
- 15th International Conference on Stochastic Programming (ICSP) (12/4/2018)
- Congratulations Dr Esma! (11/23/2018)
- The Decision Rule Approach to Optimization under Uncertainty: Methodology and Applications (11/16/2018)
- Integrated Development of Low-Carbon Energy Systems: A Whole-System Paradigm for Creating a National Strategy (11/1/2018)
- Robust Dual Dynamic Programming (10/29/2018)
- Invited Talk at Royal Mail (10/20/2018)
- CPSE Summer School on Optimization under Uncertainty (9/7/2018)
- Invited Talk at Robust Optimization workshop in Avignon (6/30/2018)
- Invited Talk at MIP workshop in Greenville, SC (6/22/2018)
- Wolfram joins SIAM Editorial Board (6/6/2018)
- CPSE won President‘s Medal (5/26/2018)
- Fast Bellman Updates for Robust MDPs (5/11/2018)
- MSc Business Analytics (online) (4/16/2018)
- “Dice”-sion Making under Uncertainty: When Can a Random Decision Reduce Risk? (4/12/2018)
- Scenario Reduction Revisited: Fundamental Limits and Guarantees (3/28/2018)
- Banff Workshop: Distributionally Robust Optimization (3/11/2018)
- Invited Talk at Imperial College Data Science Society (3/9/2018)
- Invited Talk at Tilburg University (1/20/2018)
- Wolfram joins OR Editorial Board (1/2/2018)
- President’s PhD Scholarship for Shubhechyya (4/6/2017)