2024 (5)
- S. Zhang, R. M. Lee, B. Shafei, D. Walz, R. Misener, Dependence in constrained Bayesian optimization: When do we need it and how does it help?, Optimization Letters, volume 18, issue 6, pp.1457–1473, 2024
- S. Zhang, J. S. Campos, C. Feldmann, F. Sandfort, M. Mathea, R. Misener, Augmenting optimization-based molecular design with graph neural networks, Computers & Chemical Engineering, volume 186, pp.108684, 2024
- C. Hojny, S. Zhang, J. S. Campos, R. Misener, Verifying message-passing neural networks via topology-based bounds tightening, International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
- R. Sedgwick, J. P. Goertz, M. M. Stevens, R. Misener, M. van der Wilk, Transfer learning Bayesian optimization for competitor DNA molecule design for use in diagnostic assays, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2024
- J. P. Folch, C. Tsay, R. M. Lee, B. Shafei, W. Ormaniec, A. Krause, M. van der Wilk, R. Misener, M. Mutný, Transition Constrained Bayesian Optimization via Markov Decision Processes, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2024
2023 (7)
- B. Addis, C. Castel, A. Macali, R. Misener, V. Piccialli, Data augmentation driven by optimization for membrane separation process synthesis, Computers & Chemical Engineering, pp.108342, 2023
- C. D. Kappatou, J. Odgers, S. García-Muñoz, R. Misener, An Optimization Approach Coupling Preprocessing with Model Regression for Enhanced Chemometrics, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, volume 62, pp.6196–6213, 2023
- J. P. Folch, R. M. Lee, B. Shafei, D. Walz, C. Tsay, M. van der Wilk, R. Misener, Combining multi-fidelity modelling and asynchronous batch Bayesian Optimization, Computers & Chemical Engineering, volume 172, pp.108194, 2023
- J. Odgers, C. Kappatou, R. Misener, S. García Muñoz, S. Filippi, Probabilistic predictions for partial least squares using bootstrap, AIChE Journal, pp.e18071, 2023
- R. Misener, L. Biegler, Formulating data-driven surrogate models for process optimization, Computers & Chemical Engineering, volume 179, pp.108411, 2023
- S. Zhang, J. S. Campos, C. Feldmann, D. Walz, F. Sandfort, M. Mathea, C. Tsay, R. Misener, Optimizing over trained GNNs via symmetry breaking, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2023
- J. S. Campos, R. Misener, P. Parpas, Partial Lasserre relaxation for sparse Max-Cut, Optimization & Engineering, volume 24, pp.1983–2004, 2023
2022 (8)
- J. Wiebe, R. Misener, ROmodel: Modeling robust optimization problems in Pyomo, Optimization & Engineering, volume 23, pp.1873–1894, 2022
- A. Thebelt, J. Wiebe, J. Kronqvist, C. Tsay, R. Misener, Maximizing information from chemical engineering data sets: Applications to machine learning, Chemical Engineering Science, volume 252, pp.117469, 2022
- A. Thebelt, C. Tsay, R. M. Lee, N. Sudermann-Merx, D. Walz, B. Shafei, R. Misener, Tree ensemble kernels for Bayesian optimization with known constraints over mixed-feature spaces, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022
- J. P. Folch, S. Zhang, R. M. Lee, B. Shafei, D. Walz, C. Tsay, M. van der Wilk, R. Misener, SnAKe: Bayesian Optimization with Pathwise Exploration, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2022
- F. Ceccon, J. Jalving, J. Haddad, A. Thebelt, C. Tsay, C. D. Laird, R. Misener, OMLT: Optimization & Machine Learning Toolkit, Journal of Machine Learning Research, volume 23, pp.1–8, 2022
- A. Thebelt, C. Tsay, R. M. Lee, N. Sudermann-Merx, D. Walz, T. Tranter, R. Misener, Multi-objective constrained optimization for energy applications via tree ensembles, Applied Energy, volume 306, pp.118061, 2022
- F. Ceccon, R. Misener, Solving the pooling problem at scale with extensible solver GALINI, Computers & Chemical Engineering, pp.107660, 2022
- J. Wiebe, I. Cecílio, J. Dunlop, R. Misener, A robust approach to warped Gaussian process-constrained optimization, Mathematical Programming, 2022
2021 (9)
- M. Mistry, D. Letsios, G. Krennrich, R. M. Lee, R. Misener, Mixed-Integer Convex Nonlinear Optimization with Gradient-Boosted Trees Embedded, INFORMS Journal on Computing, volume 33, pp.1103–1119, 2021
- J. Kronqvist, R. Misener, A disjunctive cut strengthening technique for convex MINLP, Optimization and Engineering, volume 22, pp.1315–1345, 2021
- D. Letsios, M. Mistry, R. Misener, Exact lexicographic scheduling and approximate rescheduling, European Journal of Operational Research, volume 290, pp.469-478, 2021
- E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Barbosa-Povoa, J. H. Lee, R. Misener, A. Mitsos, G. V. Reklaitis, V. Venkatasubramanian, F. You, R. Gani, Process Systems Engineering – The Generation Next?, Computers & Chemical Engineering, pp.107252, 2021
- D. Letsios, J. T. Bradley, Suraj G., R. Misener, N. Page, Approximating Bounded Job Start Scheduling with Application in Royal Mail Deliveries under Uncertainty, Journal of Scheduling, 2021
- A. Thebelt, J. Kronqvist, M. Mistry, R. M. Lee, N. Sudermann-Merx, R. Misener, ENTMOOT: A framework for optimization over ensemble tree models, Computers & Chemical Engineering, volume 151, pp.107343, 2021
- J. Kronqvist, R. Misener, C. Tsay, Between steps: Intermediate relaxations between big-M and convex hull formulations, International Conference on Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research, pp.299–314, 2021
- C. Tsay, J. Kronqvist, A. Thebelt, R. Misener, Partition-based formulations for mixed-integer optimization of trained ReLU neural networks, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), volume 34, pp.3068–3080, 2021
- J. Wiebe, R. Misener, ROmodel: A Python Robust Optimization Modeling Toolbox, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, volume 50, pp.683–688, 2021
2020 (5)
- D. Letsios, R. Baltean-Lugojan, F. Ceccon, M. Mistry, J. Wiebe, R. Misener, Approximation Algorithms for Process Systems Engineering, Computers & Chemical Engineering, volume 132, pp.106599, 2020
- E. Botoeva, P. Kouvaros, J. Kronqvist, A. Lomuscio, R. Misener, Efficient Verification of ReLU-based Neural Networks via Dependency Analysis, Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020
- F. Ceccon, J. D. Siirola, R. Misener, SUSPECT: MINLP special structure detector for Pyomo, Optimization Letters, volume 14, pp.801–814, 2020
- K. Cyras, A. Karamlou, M. Lee, D. Letsios, R. Misener, F. Toni, AI-Assisted Schedule Explainer for Nurse Rostering, Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, pp.2101–2103, 2020
- A. Thebelt, J. Kronqvist, R. M. Lee, N. Sudermann-Merx, R. Misener, Global Optimization with Ensemble Machine Learning Models, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, volume 48, pp.1981–1986, 2020
2019 (11)
- J. S. Campos, R. Misener, P. Parpas, A multilevel analysis of the Lasserre hierarchy, European Journal of Operational Research, volume 277, pp.32-41, 2019
- F. Ceccon, J. D. Siirola, R. Misener, SUSPECT: MINLP special structure detector for Pyomo, Optimization Letters, 2019
- S. Olofsson, L. Hebing, S. Niedenführ, M. P. Deisenroth, R. Misener, GPdoemd: A Python Package for Design of Experiments for Model Discrimination, Computers & Chemical Engineering, volume 125, pp.54-70, 2019
- K. Čyras, D. Letsios, R. Misener, F. Toni, Argumentation for Explainable Scheduling, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, volume 33, pp.2752–2759, 2019
- F. Furini, E. Traversi, P. Belotti, A. Frangioni, A. Gleixner, N. Gould, L. Liberti, A. Lodi, R. Misener, H. Mittelmann, others, QPLIB: A Library of Quadratic Programming Instances, Mathematical Programming Computation, volume 11, pp.237–265, 2019
- S. Olofsson, M. Mehrian, R. Calandra, L. Geris, M. P. Deisenroth, R. Misener, Bayesian Multi-Objective Optimisation with Mixed Analytical and Black-Box Functions: Application to Tissue Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, volume 66, pp.727-739, 2019
- G. Kouyialis, X. Wang, R. Misener, Symmetry Detection for Quadratic Optimization Using Binary Layered Graphs, Processes, volume 7, pp.838, 2019
- J. Wiebe, I. Cecílio, R. Misener, Robust optimization for the pooling problem, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, volume 58, pp.12712–12722, 2019
- J. T. Bradley, D. Letsios, R. Misener, N. Page, Approximating Bounded Job Start Scheduling with Application in Royal Mail Deliveries Under Uncertainty, Combinatorial Optimization & Applications, pp.69–81, 2019
- J. Wiebe, I. Cecílio, R. Misener, The robust pooling problem, Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, volume 46, pp.907–912, 2019
- J. T. Bradley, D. Letsios, R. Misener, N. Page, Approximating Bounded Job Start Scheduling with Application in Royal Mail Deliveries Under Uncertainty, Combinatorial Optimization and Applications, pp.69–81, 2019
2018 (12)
- R. Baltean-Lugojan, R. Misener, Piecewise parametric structure in the pooling problem: from sparse strongly-polynomial solutions to NP-hardness, Journal of Global Optimization, volume 71, pp.655-690, 2018
- E. G. Velliou, M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, E. Pefani, N. Panoskaltsis, A. Mantalaris, M. C. Georgiadis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, An Integrated Platform for the Study of Leukaemia, Modelling Optimization and Control of Biomedical Systems, pp.225–232, 2018
- E. G. Velliou, E. Pefani, S. Brito dos Santos, M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, N. Panoskaltsis, A. Mantalaris, M. C. Georgiadis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, In vitro Studies, Modelling Optimization and Control of Biomedical Systems, pp.233–264, 2018
- M. Mehrian, Y. Guyot, I. Papantoniou, S. Olofsson, M. Sonnaert, R. Misener, L. Geris, Maximizing neotissue growth kinetics in a perfusion bioreactor: An in silico strategy using model reduction and Bayesian optimization, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, volume 115, pp.617-629, 2018
- M. Mistry, A. Callia D’Iddio, M. Huth, R. Misener, Satisfiability modulo theories for process systems engineering, Computers & Chemical Engineering, volume 113, pp.98 - 114, 2018
- D. Letsios, G. Kouyialis, R. Misener, Heuristics with Performance Guarantees for the Minimum Number of Matches Problem in Heat Recovery Network Design, Computers & Chemical Engineering, volume 113, pp.57 - 85, 2018
- D. Letsios, G. Kouyialis, R. Misener, Approximation Algorithms for Process Systems Engineering, 28th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, volume 43, pp.565 - 566, 2018
- J. Wiebe, I. Cecílio, R. Misener, Data-driven optimization of processes with degrading equipment, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, volume 57, pp.17177–17191, 2018
- S. Olofsson, M. P. Deisenroth, R. Misener, Design of Experiments for Model Discrimination using Gaussian Process Surrogate Models, 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2018), volume 44, pp.847 - 852, 2018
- C. Wesselhoeft, D. A. Ham, R. Misener, Algorithms for Mixed-Integer Optimization Constrained by Partial Differential Equations, 13th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE 2018), volume 44, pp.799 - 804, 2018
- R. Misener, M. C. Allenby, M. Fuentes-Garí, K. Gupta, T. Wiggins, Nicki Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Stem cell biomanufacturing under uncertainty: A case study in optimizing red blood cell production, AIChE Journal, volume 64, pp.3011-3022, 2018
- S. Olofsson, M. P. Deisenroth, R. Misener, Design of Experiments for Model Discrimination Hybridising Analytical and Data-Driven Approaches, Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning, volume 80, pp.3905–3914, 2018
2017 (4)
- M. C. Allenby, R. Misener, N. Panoskaltsis, A. Mantalaris, A quantitative three-dimensional (3D) image analysis tool for maximal acquisition of spatial heterogeneity data, Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods, volume 23, pp.108–117, 2017
- M. Mistry, R. Misener, Integrating Mixed-Integer Optimisation and Satisfiability Modulo Theories: Application to Scheduling, Proceedings of the Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations Conference in Tucson, Arizona, 2017, Invited Article for the Young Investigators Session
- G. Kouyialis, R. Misener, Detecting Symmetry in Designing Heat Exchanger Networks, Proceedings of the Foundations of Computer Aided Process Operations Conference in Tucson, Arizona, 2017
- S. Olofsson, M. Mehrian, L. Geris, R. Calandra, M. P. Deisenroth, R. Misener, Bayesian Multi-Objective Optimisation of Neotissue Growth in a Perfusion Bioreactor Set-Up, 27th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, volume 40, pp.2155 - 2160, 2017
2016 (6)
- D. Ulmasov, C. Baroukh, B. Chachuat, M. P. Deisenroth, R. Misener, Bayesian Optimisation with Dimension Scheduling Algorithm: Application to Biological Systems, 26 European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, volume 38, pp.1051-1056, 2016
- S. Savvopoulos, R. Misener, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, A Personalized Framework for Dynamic Modeling of Disease Trajectories in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, volume 63, pp.2396–2404, 2016
- F. Ceccon, G. Kouyialis, R. Misener, Using functional programming to recognize named structure in an optimization problem: Application to pooling, AIChE Journal, volume 62, pp.3085-3095, 2016
- M. Mistry, R. Misener, Optimising Heat Exchanger Network Synthesis using Convexity Properties of the Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference , Computers & Chemical Engineering , volume 94, pp.1-17, 2016
- M. C. Allenby, A. Tahlawi, R. Misener, S. Brito dos Santos, A. Mantalaris, N. Panoskaltsis, Spatiotemporal Mapping of Erythroid, Stromal, and Osteogenic Niche Formation to Support Physiologic Red Cell Production in a Three-Dimensional Hollow Fibre Perfusion Bioreactor, Blood, volume 128, pp.3885, 2016
- F. Boukouvala, R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Global Optimization Advances in Mixed-Integer Nonlinear Programming, MINLP, and Constrained Derivative-Free Optimization, CDFO , European Journal of Operational Research, volume 252, pp.701 - 727, 2016
2015 (11)
- M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, E. Pefani, D. García Münzer, M. Kostoglou, M. C. Georgiadis, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Cell cycle model selection for leukemia and its impact in chemotherapy outcomes, 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering, volume 37, pp.2159 - 2164, 2015
- S. V. Savvopoulos, R. Misener, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Global Sensitivity Analysis for a Dynamic Model of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Disease Trajectories, 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, volume 37, pp.185 - 190, 2015
- E. G. Velliou, S. Brito Dos Santos, M. M. Papathanasiou, M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Towards unravelling the kinetics of an acute myeloid leukaemia model system under oxidative and starvation stress: a comparison between two- and three-dimensional cultures, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, volume 38, issue 8, pp.1589-1600, 2015
- M. Fuentes-Garí, E. Velliou, R. Misener, E. Pefani, M. Rende, N. Panoskaltsis, A. Mantalaris, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A systematic framework for the design, simulation and optimization of personalized healthcare: making and healing blood, Computers and Chemical Engineering, volume 81, pp.80 - 93, 2015
- M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, M. C. Georgiadis, M. Kostoglou, E. N. Pistikopoulos, N. Panoskaltsis, A. Mantalaris, Selecting a differential equation cell cycle model for simulating leukemia treatment, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, volume 54, pp.8847–8859, 2015
- M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, D. García-Münzer, E. Velliou, M. C. Georgiadis, M. Kostoglou, E. N. Pistikopoulos, N. Panoskaltsis, A. Mantalaris, A mathematical model of subpopulation kinetics for the deconvolution of leukaemia heterogeneity, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, volume 12, 2015
- M. C. Allenby, A. Tahlawi, S. Brito Dos Santos, R. Misener, Y. Hwang, N. Panoskaltsis, A. Mantalaris, Development of a Hematopoietic Microenvironment for the Production of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) in a Novel 3D Hollow Fibre Bioreactor, Tissue Engineering Part A, volume 21, pp.S15-S16, 2015
- M. C. Allenby, A. Tahlawi, S. Brito Dos Santos, R. Misener, Y. Hwang, N. Panoskaltsis, A. Mantalaris, Development of an ex vivo bone marrow mimicry microenvironment in a novel 3D hollow fibre bioreactor, Experimental Hematology, volume 43, pp.S51, 2015
- M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, M. C. Georgiadis, M. Kostoglou, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Chemotherapy Optimization in Leukemia: Selecting the Right Mathematical Models for the Right Biological Processes, IFAC-PapersOnLine , volume 48, pp.534 - 539, 2015, 9th IFAC Symposium on Biological and Medical Systems BMS 2015 Berlin, Germany
- M. Fuentes-Garí, S. Zemenides, R. Misener, M. C. Georgiadis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, N. Panoskaltsis, Use of Mathematical Modelling Indicates That Patients Treated for Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) Are Undertreated When Ideal Body Weight Is Used to Dose Chemotherapy, Blood, volume 126, pp.4522–4522, 2015
- R. Misener, J. B. Smadbeck, C. A. Floudas, Dynamically-Generated Cutting Planes for Mixed-Integer Quadratically-Constrained Quadratic Programs and their Incorporation into GloMIQO 2.0, Optimization Methods and Software, volume 30, pp.215-249, 2015
2014 (8)
- M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, D. García-Münzer, M. Velliou E.and Georgiadis, M. Kostoglou, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Development and experimental validation of a cyclin-based population balance model of the cell cycle in leukemia cell lines, J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., volume 8, pp.489, 2014
- R. Misener, J. Chin, M. Lai, M. Fuentes-Garí, E. Velliou, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Robust Superstructure Optimisation of a Bioreactor that Produces Red Blood Cells, 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, pp.91-96, 2014
- E. Velliou, M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, E. Pefani, M. Rende, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, A framework for the design, modeling and optimization of biomedical systems, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Foundations of Computer-Aided Process Design – FOCAPD, volume 34, pp.225 – 236, 2014
- E. Velliou, S. B. Dos Santos, M. Fuentes-Garí, R. Misener, N. Panoskaltsis, E. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Evolution of an AML model system under oxidative & starvation stress: a comparison between two and three dimensional cultures, J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., volume 8, pp.383, 2014
- R. Misener, M. Allenby, M. Fuentes-Garí, M. Rende, E. Velliou, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Optimisation under uncertainty for a bioreactor that produces red blood cells, J. Tissue Eng. Regen. Med., volume 8, pp.481-482, 2014
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, ANTIGONE: Algorithms for coNTinuous / Integer Global Optimization of Nonlinear Equations, Journal of Global Optimization, volume 59, pp.503-526, 2014
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, A Framework for Globally Optimizing Mixed-Integer Signomial Programs, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, volume 161, pp.905-932, 2014
- R. Misener, M. Fuentes-Garí, M. Rende, E. Velliou, N. Panoskaltsis, E. N. Pistikopoulos, A. Mantalaris, Global superstructure optimisation of red blood cell production in a parallelised hollow fibre bioreactor, Computers and Chemical Engineering, volume 71, pp.532 - 553, 2014
2013 (1)
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, GloMIQO: Global Mixed-Integer Quadratic Optimizer, Journal of Global Optimization, volume 57, pp.3-30, 2013
2012 (7)
- R. C. Baliban, J. A. Elia, R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Global optimization of a MINLP process synthesis model for thermochemical based conversion of hybrid coal, biomass, and natural gas to liquid fuels, Computers and Chemical Engineering, volume 42, pp.64-86, 2012
- J. Li, R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Continuous-time modeling and global optimization approach for scheduling of crude oil operations, AIChE Journal, volume 58, pp.205-226, 2012
- J. Li, R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Scheduling of crude oil operations under demand uncertainty: A robust optimization framework coupled with global optimization, AIChE Journal, volume 58, pp.2373-2396, 2012
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Global Optimization of Mixed-Integer Quadratically-Constrained Quadratic Programs (MIQCQP) through Piecewise-Linear and Edge-Concave Relaxations, Mathematical Programming, Series B, volume 136, issue 1, pp.155-182, 2012
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Global optimization of mixed-integer models with quadratic and signomial functions: a review, Applied and Computational Mathematics, volume 11, pp.317-336, 2012
- A. Skjal, T. Westerlund, R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, A Generalization of the Classical alphaBB Convex Underestimation via Diagonal and Nondiagonal Quadratic Terms, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, volume 154, pp.462-490, 2012
- A. Skjal, T. Westerlund, R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, A Generalization of Classical alphaBB Underestimation to Include Bilinear Terms, Proceedings of the 22th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE22, pp.1202-1206, 2012
2011 (1)
- R. Misener, J. P. Thompson, C. A. Floudas, APOGEE: Global Optimization of Standard, Generalized, and Extended Pooling Problems via Linear and Logarithmic Partitioning Schemes, Computers and Chemical Engineering, volume 35, pp.876-892, 2011
2010 (5)
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Global Optimization of Large-Scale Pooling Problems: Quadratically Constrained MINLP Models, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, volume 49, pp.5424 - 5438, 2010
- R. Misener, C. E. Gounaris, C. A. Floudas, Mathematical modeling and global optimization of large-scale extended pooling problems with the (EPA) complex emissions constraints, Computers and Chemical Engineering, volume 34, pp.1432 - 1456, 2010
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Piecewise-Linear Approximations of Multidimensional Functions, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, volume 145, pp.120 - 147, 2010
- R. Misener, C. E. Gounaris, C. A. Floudas, Global optimization and parametric analysis of large-scale extended pooling problems, Proceedings of the 20th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering - ESCAPE20, pp.847 – 852, 2010
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Global Optimization of Large-Scale Extended and Generalized Pooling Problems: Mixed-Integer Nonlinearly Constrained Models, Proceedings of the Toulouse Global Optimization Workshop, pp.89 - 92, 2010
2009 (5)
- C. E. Gounaris, R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Computational Comparison of Piecewise-Linear Relaxations for Pooling Problems, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, volume 48, pp.5742 - 5766, 2009
- R. Misener, C. E. Gounaris, C. A. Floudas, Global Optimization of Gas Lifting Operations: A Comparative Study of Piecewise Linear Formulations, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, volume 48, pp.6098 - 6104, 2009
- R. Misener, C. A. Floudas, Advances for the Pooling Problem: Modeling, Global Optimization, and Computational Studies, Applied and Computational Mathematics, volume 8, pp.3 - 22, 2009
- R. Misener, C. E. Gounaris, C. A. Floudas, Advances in global optimization for standard, generalized, and extended pooling problems with the EPA complex emissions model constraints, Design for Energy and the Environment, Proceedings of FOCAPD ‘09, pp.1053-1071, 2009
- R. Misener, C. E. Gounaris, C. A. Floudas, Multidimensional Piecewise-Affine Approximations for Gas Lifting and Pooling Applications, Design for Energy and the Environment, Proceedings of FOCAPD ‘09, pp.887-896, 2009