Meeting Access Details

Tuesday 27 September, 14:00 GMT

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Meeting ID: 385 419 968 942
Passcode: UhMZos


14:00 Welcome | Daniel Rueckert

14:05-14:15  Summary of achievements WP 1&2 | Rene Botnar & Claudia Prieto

14:15-14:25  Summary of achievements WP 3&4 | Andy King & Daniel Rueckert

14:25-14:35  Summary of achievements WP 5 | Steffen Petersen & Wenjia Bai

14:35-14:45  Overall summary and future plans (all)

14:45-15:00  Internal discussion of the SAB

from 15:30   Feedback from the SAB

PI Updates (in detail)

3D multi-parametric whole heart MRI: simple, fast and efficient

Rene Botnar, June 2022

MR fingerprinting: towards a virtual biopsy for cardiovascular MRI

Claudia Prieto, June 2022

Learning left ventricular motion patterns from cardiac MR image sequences

Alison Noble, June 2022

AI-enabled cardiac functional quantification

Andy King, June 2022

Modelling the shape for 100,000 hearts

Wenjia Bai, June 2022

AI-enabled cardiac image quality control

Julia Schnabel, June 2022


A full list of publications arising from the SmartHeart project is available here

This story, from the SmartHeart team, explains to a broad audience how AI has been used to improve MR imaging in this project: