
ICCOPT 2022: Optimization under Uncertainty

Together with Dick den Hertog, Wolfram will co-organize the Optimization under Uncertainty theme at the ICCOPT 2022, taking place at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA. July 23-28, 2022.

Mathematical Programming

From January 2022 onwards, Wolfram will serve on the board of Mathematical Programming as an associate editor.

SNSF Ambizione Grant

Stefano Moret is a recipient of the prestigious SNSF Ambizione Grant. The grant will provide more than 750k Swiss francs to fund Stefano’s research on RIMES – Robust Integrated Modeling for Energy and Engineering Systems at ETH Zurich for four years. Well done, Stefano!

Function 2021 Workshop

Wolfram gave an invited talk on Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic at the Flavours of Uncertainty in Verification, Planning, and Optimizaiton (Function) Workshop on Jul 12th, 2021.

Networks Conference

Wolfram gave an invited talk on Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic at the second Networks Conference on Jun 3rd, 2021.

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