
L4DC 2024

Together with Daniel Kuhn, Wolfram gave a plenary tutorial on Distributionally Robust Optimization at the 6th Annual Learning for Dynamics & Control Conference (L4DC) at University of Oxford on July 15th, 2024.

SWIMS 2024

Wolfram participated in a panel on “Perspectives on the Future of OR/MS” at the 2nd Summer Workshop on Innovations in Management Science (SWIMS) in Crete on July 8th, 2024.

Teaching Award

Wolfram won the 2024 Imperial College Business School teaching award for the category “PhD Supervision”. My heartfelt thanks for those who nominated me!

G-Research 2024 PhD Prize

Congratulations to Aras Selvi for winning the 1st place at the Imperial-wide G-Research PhD prize! Very well done, Aras!

2024 ISyE Junior Researcher Workshop

Aras presented our work on differential privacy at Georgia Tech, where he was selected to attend the 2024 Industrial and Systems Engineering Junior Researcher Workshop with full funding (thanks GT!).

Randomized Assortment Optimization

Wolfram gave a talk on Randomized Assortment Optimization at the London Operations Research Day at London Business School on Apr 19th, 2024

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