
NeurIPS 2023

Wolfram will serve as area chair for the NeurIPS 2023 conference taking place Dec 10-16, 2023 in New Orleans.

Randomized Assortment Optimization x 2

It never stops! Wolfram gave a talk on Randomized Assortment Optimization at the Robust Optimization Webinar series on Feb 10, 2022, and at the European TOM Seminar Series on Feb 13, 2022.

Outstanding Reviewer Awards

Aras has been named as highlighted reviewer at ICLR 2022, as outstanding reviewer at ICML 2022 and as a NeurIPS 2022 top-reviewer — well done, Aras!

NeurIPS Scholar

Aras has been awarded a NeurIPS Scholar, covering his registration and 7-night hotel stay — well done, Aras!

NeurIPS x 2

Both of our NeurIPS submissions got accepted: Wasserstein Logistic Regression with Mixed Features and Robust Phi-Divergence MDPs. New Orleans, here we come!

Mathematical Optimization Society

Wolfram has been elected as a member of the Council of the Mathematical Optimization Society. The Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), founded in 1973, is an international organization dedicated to the promotion and the maintenance of high professional standards in the subject of mathematical optimization.

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