
Mathematical Optimization Society

Wolfram has been elected as a member of the Council of the Mathematical Optimization Society. The Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), founded in 1973, is an international organization dedicated to the promotion and the maintenance of high professional standards in the subject of mathematical optimization.

Multi-Stage Robust Optimization

Wolfram gave a tutorial on Multi-Stage Robust Optimization at the 7th International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) on July 23rd at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Turing PhD Enrichment Placement Award

Aras has been awarded a prestigious Turing PhD Enrichment Placement Award, which funds a stipend as research and travel expenses. Very well done, Aras!

Imperial College Research Fellowship

Stefano has been awarded a prestigious 4-year Imperial College Research Fellowship, which funds his salary as well as research and travel expenses. Very well done, Stefano!

PGMO Days 2021

Wolfram gave an invited plenary talk on Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic at the PGMO Days 2021 (organised by the Mathematical Foundation Jacques Hadamard, held at the EDF Labs at Paris Saclay) on Nov 30th, 2021.

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