
OR Letters

As of Jan 1st, Wolfram took over from Amy Ward as Editor-in-Chief of Operations Research Letters.

Randomized Assortment Optimization

Wolfram gave a talk on Randomized Assortment Optimization at the Department of Economics and Management seminar series at the University of Luxembourg on Dec 14th, 2023.

SIAM Conference on Optimization

Wolfram gave a plenary talk on Large-Scale and Data-Driven Markov Decision Processes at the SIAM Conference on Optimization held May 31 – June 3, 2023 in Seattle, Washington, U.S.

Pint of Science

Aras will present some of his recent research at Pint of Science on May 24th, 2023 — looking forward to it!

Sargent Centre Award

Aras has won a Sargent Centre travel award to be used for the INFORMS Annual meeting in mid-August — thanks Sargent Centre, and well done Aras!

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