
Since April 2020, the COVID pandemic has led to many international conferences being moved to virtual events. Our researchers at SmartHeart have given numerous virtual presentations over this time, and here we share a selection of their posters and talks. … Continued


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SmartHeart publications Journal Papers Brahier M. S., Zou F., Abdulkareem M., Kochi S., Migliarese F., Taylor A., Thomaides A., Ma X., Wu C., Sandfort V., Bergquist P.J., Srichai M.B. and Petersen S.E. (2002) Using Machine Learning to Enhance Prediction of … Continued


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The vision for our research programme is to pave the way for a fundamentally different approach in which cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are diagnosed, monitored and treated: We propose to develop a diagnosis-driven “smart Magnetic Resonance (MR) scanner” that it is … Continued