
We’re hiring!

We are currently seeking applications for a Research Associate in the area of optimization under uncertainty, in particular in the fields of (distributionally) robust optimization and stochastic programming, with applications to energy systems. Applicants must hold a PhD in Operations Research, Applied Mathematics or a related field and have strong mathematical skills.The position is funded through EPSRC… Read more »

33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

Two of our papers got accepted as posters for the 33rd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), taking place Dec 8th-14th, 2019, in Vancouver: Distributionally Optimistic Optimization Approach to Nonparametric Likelihood Approximation and Calculating Optimistic Likelihoods Using (Geodesically) Convex Optimization. Both papers were written by Viet Anh Nguyen, Soroosh Shafieezadeh-Abadeh and Daniel Kuhn from EPFL as well as Man-Chung… Read more »

Stochastic Programming Society Elections

At the The 15th International Conference on Stochastic Programming in Trondheim, Wolfram has been elected into the governing board of the Stochastic Programming Society. The Stochastic Programming Society promotes the development and application of stochastic programming theory, models, methods, analysis, software tools and standards, and encourages the exchange of information among practitioners and scholars in the area… Read more »

Invited Talk at TU Eindhoven

Wolfram gave an invited seminar on Distributionally Robust Vehicle Routing at TU Eindhoven on Jun 20th, 2019.

Hong Kong * 3

Three of our group members have secured faculty positions in this year’s hiring season: Clint starts as an Assistant Professor at the School of Data Science, City University of Hong Kong; Zhi starts as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, and Man Chung starts as an Assistant… Read more »

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