2006 (2)
- A. Tsalgatidou, G. Athanasopoulos, M. Pantazoglou, C. Pautasso, T. Heinis, R. Gronmo, Hjordis Hoff, Arne-Jorgen Berre, M. Glittum, S. Topouzidou, Developing Scientific Workflows from Heterogeneous Services, SIGMOD Rec., volume 35, pp.22–28, 2006
- Cesare Pautasso, Thomas Heinis, Gustavo Alonso, JOpera: Autonomic Service Orchestration, IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, volume 29, 2006
2005 (3)
- Cesare Pautasso, Thomas Heinis, Gustavo Alonso, Autonomic Execution of Web Service Compositions, Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), pp.435–442, 2005
- Thomas Heinis, Cesare Pautasso, Gustavo Alonso, Design and Evaluation of an Autonomic Workflow Engine, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC'05), pp.27–38, 2005
- Thomas Heinis, Cesare Pautasso, Oliver Deak, Gustavo Alonso, Publishing Persistent Grid Computations as WS Resources, Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on e-Science and Grid Technologies (e-Science 2005), pp.328–335, 2005