
Jackie Bell for Country Life Magazine. Shot at Imperial College in London on July 7th 2022 by Mike Garrard / Country Life Picture Library
- Times Radio London (28/04/2023)
- BBC Radio Leeds (08/03/2023)
- BBC Three Counties Radio (08/03/2023)
- BFBS (08/03/2023)
- WCR FM (08/03/2023)
- Siren FM (08/03/2023)
- BBC Radio Devon (08/03/2023)
- Liverpool TV (08/03/2023)
- Pure West Radio (08/03/2023)
- Gateway 97.8 (08/03/2023)
- Express FM (08/03/2023)
- BBC Radio Northampton (08/03/2023)
- The Podcast Radio (08/03/2023)
- BBC Radio Scotland (08/03/2023)
- BBC Radio Merseyside (08/03/2023)
- SFM Radio (08/03/2023)
- Full Steam Ahead (magazine article) – Hoare Lea (November 2022)
- World Space Week Interview – InnovateHer, Liverpool (05/11/2022)
- Podcast Interview – National Museums Liverpool (12/2022)
- Sunday Times Radio (29/08/2021)
- BBC Radio Gloucestershire (live), Gloucester (12/07/2021)
- The Sunday Times (online), London (09/06/2021)
- BBC Radio Scotland (live), Scotland (14/04/2021)
- BBC Radio 5 Live (live, online), London (13/04/2021)
- ITV Granada Reports (online), Liverpool (30/03/2021)
- BBC Radio London Interview (live, online), London (02/2021)
- BBC Radio Scotland Interview (live, online), Scotland (02/2021)
- BBC World Service (live, TV), London (16/02/2021)
- BBC Radio Merseyside Interview (live, online), Liverpool (11/02/2021)
- Podcast Interview – Jo Durrant’s Beautiful Universe, London (14/10/2020)
- BBC Radio Merseyside Interview (live), Liverpool (17/07/2019)
- BBC Radio Merseyside Interview (live), Liverpool (01/12/2017)
- TV Interview (live) – BBC Breakfast, Manchester (2017)
- Radio Interview (live) – BBC Radio Gloucestershire, Cheltenham Science Festival (08/06/2019)
- Interview – Alumni Magazine (Main feature), University of Liverpool (2018)
- Meet the Scientist – Dr Jaclyn Bell, A Scientist Called Erica
- Words on Wonder Interview
- Liverpool Alumni Podcast, The University of Liverpool (2018)
- Podcast Interview – Interplanetary Podcast, London (2017)
“Fan-tas-tic! She was outstanding, pitched at the right level, kids were hanging on her every word. She made it obvious that you don’t have to be in an academic family. This was just right for our pupils whose families are often from deprived areas and often have only experienced unemployment from generation to generation” (Glasgow Science Centre, 2022)
“They saw that if anyone can do it so could they. I am a chemistry teacher and all the kids on the way back were saying we need to do more on space. She was very engaging”. (Glasgow Science Centre, 2022)
“I thought the talk was very inspiring and it captured the attention of my sixteen year old son, who has felt quite unfocused and de-motivated this year with lockdown and lack of face to face teaching, it was a much needed healthy dose of positive can-do’ness.” (Royal Institution, 2021)
“I thought Miss Bell did an EXCELLENT job telling her story as well as offering encouragement and practical suggestions for young people who may be interested in this career direction. It was a very natural, easy and informative talk.” (Royal Institution, 2021)
“Great event and superb enthusiasm from the presenter.” (Royal Institution, 2021)
“We all thought this was one of the best presentations we’ve seen in a long time. Dr Bell was AWESOME!” (Royal Institution, 2021)
“I know when I read that your talk would be science related at the TEDX conference it filled me with dread, as it was never my forte, but honestly I’m sure I speak for many that you just make the subject so interesting.” (TEDx Liverpool, 2019)
“Really inspiring, funny and honest talk!” (TEDx Liverpool, 2019)
Upcoming Talks:
- Astronaut Selection and UK’s Role in Future Space Exploration – Grosvenor Club, Tarporley (27/03/2024)
- Space Exploration (British Science Week) – Northcote Primary School, Liverpool (08/03/2024)
Previous Talks:
- LGBTQ+ History Month, LGBTQ+ allyship, & I600 – Lunch&Learn, Imperial College London (09/02/2024)
- Keynote Opening Speech, DEI4Everyone Reception – Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2024) (18/01/2024)
- It All Adds Up! – Mathematics Institute, Oxford University (08/02/2024)
- Taking Maths Further, University of Liverpool (17/12/2023)
- Societal Engagement in Computing, Societal Engagement Champions Network – Imperial College London (12/02/2023)
- The Future of Space Exploration – Christmas Lecture, Imperial College London (30/11/2023)
- Engineering Progression from School to Year 2 at ICL – University of Bristol (17/11/2023)
- Supporting widening participation students to succeed at University – Imperial College London (14/11/2023)
- Supporting first-generation and low-income students to succeed at University – University of Edinburgh (26/10/2023)
- Teaching and Learning Careers for Postdocs and Fellows – Imperial College London (25/10/2023)
- My Journey from STEM to Space! – Benenden School, Kent (10/10/2023)
- Designing a ‘Week 0’ to support school to university transition in widening participation students – Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference (05/07/2023)
- Where might maths take you? – Women in Maths Day, Keele University (04/07/2023)
- My journey from STEM to Space (Keynote) – Science Oxford, Oxford (19/06/2023)
- Where might maths take you? – City of London Academy (24/05/2023)
- My Journey from STEM to Space – St Benedict’s School, London (22/05/2023)
- My Journey from STEM to Space – Swinton Academy, Rotherham (19/05/2023)
- Panel Discussion (Session Lead) – Business of Science Conference, Leeds (18/05/2023)
- Engineering Progression from School to Year 2 at ICL – Inclusive Engineering Conference, University of Plymouth (26/04/2023)
- When science engagement isn’t about the science: Creating common ground with youth work and informal science learning (Workshop) – PCST Conference, Rotterdam (12/04/2023)
- Supporting first-generation and low-income students to succeed at University, Interdisciplinary Intersectionality in Theoretical Physics, Göttingen, Germany (23/032023)
- The Mathematics of Spaceflight – Maths Inspiration, Chester (09/03/2023)
- Maths in Space (Patron) – Mars Day 2023 (08/03/2023)
- My Journey from School to Space (Keynote) – Physics Futures Conference, IOP (02/03/2023)
- Youth Work Principles and their Role in Informal Science Learning (Keynote), Xplore! Science Centre, Wrexham (01/03/2023)
- Guest of Honour, Bellerive FCJ Catholic College Prizegiving, Metropolitan Cathedral, Liverpool (14/12/2022)
- Astronauts and careers in Space! Prendergast Ladywell School, London (29/11/2022)
- Network Airline HQ (Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting), Crawley (17/11/2022)
- Artemis and Humankinds fascination with the Moon, World Museum Liverpool (11/11/2022)
- David Elder Education Lecture, Glasgow Science Centre (10/11/2022)
- Diversity Panel, Deepmind Scholars Summit, London (03/11/2022)
- Cross-departmental projects to support widening participation (WP) students in their transition from school to university, Teaching Fellow’s Network, ICL (02/11/2022)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Society of the Thirteen, Chester (31/10/2022)
- My STEM journey: from school to space! (Plenary) – Ogden Trust, London (22/09/2022)
- Computing at Imperial – Greenhead College, London (16/06/2022)
- Postgraduate Careers Session – LSTM, Liverpool (18/05/2022)
- ACA Spring Lunch Charity Address – ACA, London (31/03/2022)
- Meet the Scientist, British Science Week – Oxbridge Lane Primary School (16/03/2022)
- Plenary Session – Mathematical Institute, Oxford (15/03/2022)
- Stargazing Event – Liverpool World Museum, Liverpool (25/02/2022)
- Stargazing Event – Liverpool World Museum, Liverpool (11/02/2022)
- Light in Space! – Pegasus Primary School (10/02/2022)
- Aspirational Assembly – Pegasus Primary School (10/02/2022)
- Light in Space! – Orchard Meadow Primary School (10/02/2022)
- Aspirational Assembly – Orchard Meadow Primary School (10/02/2022)
- Meet the Scientist – St Winefride’s Catholic Primary School, Wales (26/02/2022)
- Active Bystander – Imperial College London (10-14/01/2022)
- Session Chair, ASDC National Conference (25/11/2021)
- Stargazing Event – Liverpool World Museum, Liverpool (12/11/2021)
- Stargazing Event – Liverpool World Museum, Liverpool (29/10/2021)
- Launchpad – Phoenix Space Competition, Judge (October 2021)
- The Physics of Cheerleading, Festival of the Girl (10/10/2021)
- World Space Week Quiz (04/10/2021)
- Special Guest Lecture, Club Captain Training, University of Liverpool (20/09/2021)
- Embedding EDI into our Curriculum, Imperial College London (07/09/2021)
- Becoming an Astronaut, Wigan STEAM, Future Human Event (04/09/2021)
- Our Space Our Future – Knowle Academy, Bristol (13/07/2021)
- Our Space Our Future – Soundwell Academy, Bristol (13/07/2021)
- Liverpool Aspire (graduation speech), Liverpool (Online) (08/07/2021)
- Our Space Our Future – Notton House Academy, Chippenham (07/07/2021)
- Year 12 Maths and Computing Taster Day, Imperial College London (16/06/2021)
- Year 12 Future Computing Taster Day – Imperial College London (09/06/2021)
- Royal Institution Public Lecture, London (29/04/2021)
- ESA Astronaut Selection Campaign, Episode 3, Space Generation Advisory Council (Online), Panel Discussion (28/04/2021)
- Preparing for Astronaut Selection, Liverpool Astronomical Society (23/04/2021)
- Aviation Careers Day – Kings Leadership Academy, Liverpool (25/03/2021)
- Technology in Space, Mars Day (Patron) – ESERO UK & STEM Learning (18/03/2021)
- Astronaut Training – NOVA Outreach, London (15/03/2021)
- STEM Ambassador Training (Careers) – STEM Ambassador Hub, London (11/03/2021)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Staffordshire Police Cadets and Volunteers (11/03/2021)
- International Women’s Day Careers Panel – Bancroft School, London (09/03/2021)
- Alumni Voices Panel (representing UoL) – CASE, Online (16/02/2021)
- Inspiring Women – Cheshire Federation of Women’s Institutes (10/02/2021)
- Careers Talk – Cronton Sixth Form College, Runcorn (03/02/2021)
- Becoming an Astronaut – U3A Richmond, London (27/01/2021)
- Engineering in a Spacesuit – Engineering in Action, London (20/01/2021)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Talking Science, STFC, RAL (15/01/2021)
- Martian Careers Day, National Astronomy Week – Livestream Co-Host (20/11/2020)
- Mars on Earth, National Astronomy Week – Livestream Co-Host (17/11/2020)
- POSTPONED: Astronomy Evening – The World Museum, Liverpool (06/11/2020)
- Star Striking Facts Valentina Tereshkova – MajorTim.Space (26/10/2020)
- POSTPONED: Engineering Day Lecture – Wirral Arts Festival (15/10/2020)
- Computing at Schools, Session for Teachers – All About STEM, Liverpool (15/10/2020)
- Life on Mars (Online Q&A) – STEAM School (01/10/2020)
- Umm No Podcast (30/09/2020)
- Aim Higher with Dr Jackie Bell (Online) – fly2help (30/07/2020)
- POSTPONED: Public Lecture – Daresbury Lab Open Day, Daresbury Lab (04/07/2020)
- Careers Talk (Online) – Skipton Girls High School (30/05/2020)
- POSTPONED (COVID-19): Engineering in Action – Emmanuel Centre, London (30/05/2020)
- POSTPONED: Astronauts and the Future of Space Exploration – Wigan STEAM (02/05/2020)
- POSTPONED (COVID-19): Maths and Physics Career Talk – Nonsuch High School, London (22/04/2020)
- POSTPONED (COVID-19): Rising Star WISE Webinar (24/03/2020)
- POSTPONED (COVID-19): Becoming an Astronaut – The Principal’s Lecture Programme at Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate, York (22/03/2020)
- Astronauts and the Future of Space Exploration – Hugh Baird College (09/03/2020)
- BrewEd Teacher Conference (Keynote) – Leeds (07/03/2020)
- International Women’s Day Panel Event for the Public – The Worshipful Society of Apothecaries (05/03/2020)
- Working Together with Challenging Students – Imperial College London, School Governors Network Meeting (03/03/2020)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Birmingham University Popular Maths Lecture Series, Birmingham (26/02/2020)
- Astronaut Training 101 – Public Lecture, World Museum Liverpool (07/02/2020)
- Careers and Aspirations Talk for Year 11’s – Liverpool College (07/02/2020)
- Becoming an Astronaut, Talk for Years 3-6 – Liverpool College (07/02/2020)
- Building Successful and Equitable Community Partnerships – Engagement Day, Imperial College London (05/02/2020)
- Breaking Down Barriers – BAM Nuttall management meeting, Ascot (17/01/2020)
- Engaging the Disengaged – Equality and Diversity Plenary, Rutherford Appleton Labs, Oxfordshire (08/01/2020)
- Nine Lessons and Carols for Curious People with Robin Ince, Kings Place (15/12/2019)
- The Role of Computing in Public Engagement – Lunchtime Seminar, Imperial College, Department of Computing (04/12/2019)
- Maths in a Spacesuit, Maths in Action Day, Emmanuel Centre, London (26/11/2019)
- Being Safe Online (e-safety and introduction to computer science) – Millbank Academy Primary School, Pimlico, London (18/11/2019)
- Back to the moon…? Apollo and Beyond – The Saturday School, Stockwell (16/11/2019)
- An Insider’s Guide to Becoming an Astronaut – TEDxLiverpool, Liverpool (10/11/2019)
- Back to the moon…? Apollo and Beyond – World Museum Liverpool (08/11/2019)
- University of Liverpool NASA Event for Schools with Holly Ridings (Host) – The University of Liverpool, Liverpool (09/10/2019)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Nicholls Lecture Series, Birkenhead School (20/09/2019)
- Apollo fifty years on, and the Future of Human Spaceflight – Daresbury Lab, Talking Science Series (Public Lecture) (20/09/2019)
- Understanding the Importance of Diversity, Imperial College, DoC Away Day (18/09/2019)
- With Quanta From Liverpool – Orkney International Science Festival, Kirkwall (Sponsored by Loganair) (07/09/2019)
- Putting Maths at the Heart of the Atom – Kirkwall Grammar School, Kirkwall (06/09/2019)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Papdale Primary School, Orkney (06/09/2019)
- Outreach… why do it? – HiPEDS CDT, Imperial College London (21/08/2019)
- The Past, Present and Future of Human Spaceflight (Apollo50) – U3A Ealing (25/07/2019)
- One Small Step Event (Apollo50 Series) – Catalyst Science Discovery Centre (20/07/2019)
- The Past, Present and Future of Human Spaceflight (Apollo50 Series) – The University of Liverpool, Maths Department (17/07/2019)
- Cheltenham Science Festival, Family Workshop (Co-lead), Cheltenham (08/06/2019)
- Space Careers for Everyone – Warrender Primary School, Ruislip (15/01/2018)
- Equality, Diversity, Outreach and Public Engagement – Industry Liaison Board Meeting, Imperial College London (30/05/2019)
- Careers session (Panelist) – Business of Science Conference 2019, Leeds (16/05/2019)
- The Business of Space – Business of Science Conference 2019, Leeds (16/05/2019)
- Surfacing all we know to include students from low science capital backgrounds, Universal Space Meeting, Leicester (10/05/2019)
- Where Might Maths Take Me? – Cowley International School/ UoL Maths School (18/04/2019)
- Where Might Maths Take Me? – Lord Derby Academy / UoL Maths School (17/04/2019)
- Where Might Maths Take Me? – Formby High School / UoL Maths School (16/04/2019)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Chester Astronomical Society, Chester (27/03/2019)
- Journey to Space: Becoming an Astronaut – Annual Primary Christmas Lecture, National Schools Observatory (19/12/2018)
- Celebrating Anniversaries of Scientific Achievement – UK Science Festivals Network Conference, Swansea (Session Speaker), (20/11/2018)
- Becoming an Astronaut: Post-PhD to Pre-Launch (Keynote) – Careers Connect Event, University of Liverpool (13/11/2018)
- What is the Webb Telescope? – The World Museum, Liverpool, Astronomy Evening (09/11/2018)
- Becoming an Astronaut – The World Museum, Liverpool, Astronomy Evening (09/11/2018)
- Awards Evening (Keynote) – Pitville School Awards Evening, Cheltenham (07/11/2018)
- Astronaut Selection and the UK’s role in Future Space Exploration – ImechE (11/10/2018)
- STEAM School, Interview for World Space Week ( (04/10/2018)
- New Scientist Live Panel and Stage Event – Excel Centre, London (20-23/09/2018)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Orkney International Science Festival, Kirkwall (12/09/2018)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Kirkwall Grammar School, Kirkwall (11/09/2018)
- Inspiring the next generation of Women in STEM – Wigan STEAM (06/07/2018)
- How Maths can get you on a Career Path to Space – Wigan STEAM (06/07/2018)
- Keynote Awards Opening Speech – The Big Bang South West, Bristol (27/06/2018)
- My journey through STEM and the latest in Space Exploration – Women in Engineering Day, Bellerive School, Liverpool (22/06/2018)
- ExoMars – Space Camp (Workshop and Panelist), Welshpool (20/06/2018)
- STEM Ambassador and Trainee Astronaut: post PhD to pre-Launch – Evening Lecture, Ecole De Physique, Les Houches (11/06/2018)
- Careers session (Panelist) – Business of Science Conference 2018, Liverpool (17/05/2018)
- Big Space Day – Royal Albert Hall (Outreach event, Workshop), London (06/05/2018)
- International Women’s Day (Keynote Speech), Cheltenham (10/03/2018)
- Astronauts and the latest in Space Exploration – World Museum Liverpool (26/01/2018)
- Astronauts and the latest in Space Exploration – Women’s Institute, Bristol (16/01/2018)
- Becoming an Astronaut – Warrender Primary School, Old Hatch Manor, Ruislip (15/01/2018)
- Astronauts and the latest in Space Exploration – Alsop High School, Liverpool (01/12/2017)
- Astronauts, and the latest in Space Exploration – Annual Astronomy Lecture Series (Keynote), Liverpool John Moores University (01/12/2017)