Wolfram gave an invited talk on Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic at the Flavours of Uncertainty in Verification, Planning, and Optimizaiton (Function) Workshop on Jul 12th, 2021.
On Linear Optimization over Wasserstein Balls
Our paper On Linear Optimization over Wasserstein Balls has been accepted for publication at Mathematical Programming. A draft version of the paper can be found here.
Networks Conference
Wolfram gave an invited talk on Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic at the second Networks Conference on Jun 3rd, 2021.
Designing Digital Rollovers: Managing Perceived Obsolescence through Release Times
Our paper Designing Digital Rollovers: Managing Perceived Obsolescence through Release Times has been accepted for publication at Production and Operations Management. A draft version of the paper can be found here.
Invited Talk at CUHK
Wolfram gave an invited seminar on Optimal Hospital Care Scheduling During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic at the Chinese University of Hong Kong on Apr 16th, 2021.
Imperial College: Decision-Making under Uncertainty
The work of our group has been covered in a recent feature on Imperial’s work on decision-making under uncertainty! More can be read here.
Associate Editorship: Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Wolfram will take up an associate editorship in the Analytics in Operations department of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, led by Melvyn Sim and Huseyin Topaloglu.
5th Winter School on Data Analytics
Wolfram gave two lectures on Distributionally Robust Optimization at the 5th Winter School on Data Analytics (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia) on November 20th, 2020.
Second prize in the TSL Best Paper Award 2020
Shubhechyya’s paper on The Distributionally Robust Chance Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem has won the second prize in the TSL Best Paper Award 2020. Well done, Shubhy!
IDLES in the news!
Our research on the IDLES (Integrated Development of Low-Carbon Energy Systems) grant is covered in the Futurum Magazine, an education magazine aimed at the next generation of scientists. Our article can be found here!