Practical information

Getting there

The VeTSS Summer school 2023 will be held at the Stag Hill campus, University Surrey, Guildford, UK. close to the Guildford train station and a 15 minutes walk to Guildford town centre.

Full directions to the Guilford and the Stag Hill campus by train, coach and plane can be found on the University of Surrey website.

Participants are expected to arrive on Monday 21st August. The Summer school will end on Thursday afternoon.

Code of conduct

We want to make the school a welcoming, respectful, and friendly event for all participants. Everyone taking part in the Summer school is required to agree to adhere to this code of conduct.


Registration includes accommodation. All students and speakers will be staying on single rooms B&B accommodation on the Stag Hill campus.


Registration includes breakfast and lunch, refreshments during the sessions and the conference reception on Tuesday night. It does not include evening meals but there is a range of food options in nearby Guildford.