
Research Interests

Recent Research Grants

  • EU Horizon 2020 Grant, “TAILOR: Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating Reasoning, Learning and Optimization”, IC Partner amount = £100K. “TAILOR: Foundations of Trustworthy AI – Integrating
    Reasoning, Learning and Optimization”, Period: 1/10/2020-30/9/2023.
  • EPSRC Grant, “A semi-autonomous robot synthetic biologist for industrial biodesign and manufacturing”, Total   amount = £1.1M. Period: 1/9/2018-31/8/2022 [includes 1 yr extension].
  • EPSRC Network+ Grant, “Human-Like Computing”, Total amount = £1.7M.  Period: 1/6/2018-31/5/2023. Principal investigators: Profs Muggleton and Chater.
  • EPSRC Workshop Grant, “Human-Like Computing Machine Intelligence Workshop”,
    Total amount = £43K.  Period: 1/5/2016-31/1/2017.
  • RAEng Newton collaboration grant, “Integrating probabilistic and statistical and logical mechanisms”,  Total amount = £14K. Period: 1/7/15-31/10/2016.
  • NERC Large Grant, “Impacts of global warming in sentinel systems: from genes to ecosystems”, Total amount = £3.7M. Period: 1/10/2015-30/9/2019.
  • BBSRC ISPG grant, “The Gut Health and Food Safety ISP”, Total amount=£1.2M  Period: 1/4/12-31/3/17.
  • RAEng Research Chair “Applications of Automated Theory-Formation using Meta-Interpretive Machine Learning”, Total amount = £608K. Period: 1/10/13-30/9/18
  • EPSRC Pathway to Impact “Development of an Online Tool for Automated Discovery of Food Webs from Ecological Data”, Total amount = £116K. Period: 1/9/2013-31/8/2014.
  • Syngenta grant “University Innovation Centre”, Period: 1/10/08-30/9/13. Total amount = £1.5M. Imperial College Principal investigator: Prof Stephen Muggleton. Other investigators: Prof M Sternberg.
  • BBSRC/EPSRC grant “A Centre for Integrative Systems Biology at Imperial College London (CISBIC)”. GrantRef: BB/C519670/1 . Period 1/7/05-30/6/10. Total amount= £6M. Imperial College. Principal investigator: Prof SH Muggleton. Other investigators: Prof D Young.
  • DTI Beacon project “Metalog – Integrated Machine Learning of Metabolic Networks Applied to Predictive Toxicology”. GrantRef: QCBB/C/012/00003. Period: 1/10/02-31/3/06. Total amount=£1.2M. Principal investigator: Prof SH Muggleton. Other investigators: Prof M Sternberg (Imperial) and Prof J Nicholson (Imperial).
  • EPSRC grant “Closed Loop Machine Learning”, GrantRef: GR/M56067 (York), GR/K57985 (Imperial). Total period: 16/3/99-31/3/02. Total amount=£193K. Principal investigator: Prof SH Muggleton. Other investigators: Prof DB Kell (Aberystwyth), Prof SG Oliver (Manchester), Prof RD King (Aberystwyth). IGR final report assessment – Overall: Outstanding, Research quality and scientific impact: Oustanding.