70010/97111 Deep Learning from 2024

70010/97111 Deep Learning

Note that this course will be held as a combination of pre-recorded lectures, weekly lectures and recap and Q&A sessions, tutorials in class and on Teams and individual coding projects.

Lectures and tutorials have been timetabled for 2 hours per week:

Fridays 09-10 Huxley 308 and MS Teams
Fridays 10-11 Huxley 308 and MS Teams Lab queue

However, not all timetabled slots will be used every week so please check the timetable below for more information. All notes, tutorials and coursework (including coursework hand-out/in dates) can be found below, on Scientia. Revision notes on essential machine learning can be found here based on Tom Eccles’ original notes. Coursework submission will be done via Scientia/LabTS. General questions can be discussed on EdStem.


Week 2 (starting 13th January)   
  01 Logistics and setup
02 Motivation, the curse of dimensionality and basic CNN building blocks (YouTube)
watch 02 before the lecture please, we will spend a lot of time on logistics
 Lecture Kainz
papers to read and notes N01 Admin Notes
N02 Lecture Notes
N02a Lecture slides 
Friday 10-11 MS Teams Lab queue /HXL 308MS Teams/308
1. Introduction to PyTorch I (YouTube)
2. jupyter notebook I
3. Introduction to PyTorch II (YouTube)
4. jupyter notebook II
Week 3 (starting 20th January)   
308 + online
Friday 9-10
pre-recorded + lecture + MS Teams02 Motivation, the curse of dimensionality and basic CNN building blocks (YouTube)
watch 02 before the lecture please
papers to read and notesN02 Lecture Notes
N02a Lecture slides
Friday 10-11MS Teams Lab queue /HXL 308MS Teams/308
T01 Signals
T02 Padding and strides
deadline: 31 Jan, 19:00 Coursework Task 1 assessed please submit this via LabTS
Week 4 (starting 27th January)   
308 + online
Friday 9-10
pre-recorded + lecture + MS Teams03 Activation functions and Loss functions (YouTube)
04 Popular Network architectures (and BatchNorm) (YouTube) (start)
papers to read and notesN03 Lecture Notes
N03a Lecture Slides
Friday 10-11 MS Teams Lab queue MS Teams/308
T03 CNNs
deadline: 31 Jan, 19:00 Coursework Task 1
assessedplease submit this via LabTS
Quiz test your knowlege here  
Week 5 (starting 03rd February)   
308 + online
Friday 9-10
pre-recorded + lecture + MS Teams04 Popular Network architectures (and BatchNorm) (YouTube)
05 The U-Net architecture for image segmentation (YouTube)
06 Data Augmentation (YouTube) and case study (YouTube)
loose ends and research outlook
papers to readLeNet
N04 Lecture Notes
N04a Lecture Slides
N05 Lecture Slides
Friday 10-11 MS Teams Lab queue MS TeamsTutorialteam
deadline: 31 Jan, 19:00 Coursework Task 1assessedplease submit this via LabTS
Week 6 (starting 10th February)   
308 + online
Friday 9-10
pre-recorded + lecture + MS Teams07 Generative models
08 VAEs
09 GANs
10 Generative Models: Advances
papers to readVAEs
N07 intro — slides
N08 VAEs — slides
N09 GANs — slides
N10 GANs advances — slides
Friday 10-11MS Teams Lab queue/HXL 311MS Teams
T05 VAEs, GANs
deadline: 28 Feb, 19:00 Coursework Task 2assessedteam
 Quiz will be released in this week   
Week 7 (starting 17th February)   
308 + online
Friday 9-10
pre-recorded + lecture + MS Teams11 Diffusion models
12 RNN basics
13 RNN applications
14 Attention & Transformer basics
15 Transformer applications & advanced
papers to readN11 RNNs — slides
N12 RNN applications
N13 Transformer & Attention — slides
N14 Attention advanced — slides
308 + online
Tuesday 14-15
MS Teams Lab queue/HXL 308MS Teams
Friday 10-11MS Teams Lab queue/HXL 308 MS Teams
T06 recurrent networks
deadline: 28 Feb, 19:00 Coursework Task 2assessedplease submit this via LabTS
 Quiz will be released in this week   
Week 8 (starting 24th February)   
Friday 9-10
MS Teams live 16 Advanced attention and Transformers
MS Teams
Quiz will be released in this week 
papers to read
Friday 10-11T07 attentionCoppock
Friday 10-11MS Teams Lab queue team
deadline: 28 Feb, 19:00 Coursework Task 2assessedteam
Week 9 (starting 03rd March)   
Friday 9-1017 Foundation models: tokenisation, evaluation and scalingLecture Coppock
papers to read

Friday 10:00-11 MS Teams Lab queue MS Teams
Lab queue
  –assessed  team
Week 10 (starting 10th March)   
Friday 9-10
MS Teams Lab queue exam revisionLi/Coppock/Kainz


Examinable material from lectures 01-07 is highlighted with exclamation marks. Note, lectures from the second part and the foundation model part are also examinable in full! The exam will count towards 50% of your final mark.


There will be two practical coursework tasks; all of them are assessed. Assessment results count 50% of the final mark. Tasks must be implemented individually and submitted via LabTS. Resulting jupyter notebook files and model weights need to be submitted via LabTS.

We recommend using Google CoLab Paperspace.com the extended DoC GPU cluster with GPU support for develeopment and testing.

The tasks are embedded into Jupyter notebooks, which also contain the task description.


Book: Dive into Deep Learning