Imperial PWP | dblp | Google Scholar | CV | Publications | linkedin | ResearcherID | Loop | ResearchGate | Twitter |
I joined Imperial in October 2015 as a Lecturer in real-time computing. I am currently supervising eight PhD students, one PostDoc and many Master students.
A reasonably recent version of my CV can be downloaded here [pdf].
Reader (eq. US/EU Assoc. Prof.++), Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK | since 09.2021 |
Professor, Department AIBE, FAU Erlangen/Nuremberg, Germany | since 09.2021 |
Senior Lecturer (eq. US/EU Assoc. Prof.), Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK | 09.2019 – 08/2021 |
Lecturer (eq. US/EU Ass. Prof.), Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK | 10.2015 – 08.2019 |
Honorary Research Fellow, King’s College London | since 10.2015 |
Senior Research Fellow, ISBE, King’s College London, UK | 05.2015 – 10.2015 |
Marie-Curie Fellow, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK | 03.2013 – 04.2015 |
Research Associate, ICG, Graz University of Technology, Austria | 05.2011 – 02.2013 |
Research Assistant, ICG, Graz University of Technology, Austria | 01.2008 – 04.2011 |
Visiting Researcher, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland | 09.2009 – 10.2009 |
Research Assistant, Dept. Urology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria | 06.2007 – 12.2007 |
Research Engineer, Test-lab for High-Voltage Engineering, Graz, Austria | 06.2006 – 02.2013 |
part-time Research Engineer, Siemens Healthcare, Graz Austria/Erlangen, Germany | 06.2004 – 01.2007 |
Professional Activities
Journal & Conference Service
Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
Associate Editor for Medical Image Analysis
Reviewing: CVPR, Nature Communications, Neuroimage Clinical, IEEE JBHI, IEEE TMI, MICCAI, ISMAR, IJCAI, IJCARS, Elsevier MedIA, IEEE TVCG, IEEE Computer, Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (VCBM), CURAC (deutsche Gesellschaft für Computer- und Roboterassistierte Chirurgie), CARS (Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery), Elsevier International Journal of Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics (CMIG), ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, ACM SIGGRAPH and SIGGRAPH Asia, EG EuroGraphics (International Journal Computer Graphics forum), EG EuroVIS (International Journal Computer Graphics forum), Augmented Environments for Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI AE-CAI), IEEE PacificVis, Elsevier International Journal of Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, IEEE International conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertaiment Technology, IEEE Virtual Reality (VR), International Journal of Design Engineering, Elsevier International Journal of Computers & Graphics, High-Performance Medical Image Computing and Computer Aided Intervention (HP-MICCAI), Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics (CESCG)
Funding Body Reviewer
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, Medical Research Council, Cancer Research UK, French National Research Agency (ANR)
External Examination
University of Oxford, University of York, University of Edinburgh, University College London, King’s College London
Departmental Roles
- Deputy Director of the UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare
- Chair UG admissions panel and deputy admissions tutor
- fire warden
past departmental roles:
- PhD Academic Progress mentor
- PhD admissions panel
Awards & Honours
Best paper runnner-up MICCAI UNSURE (Zhang et al.) | 2024 |
Winner MICCAI MOOD challenge (Müller/Baugh et al.) | 2023 |
Winner MICCAI FETA challenge (Li et al.) | 2022 |
best paper runner-up MICCAI UNSURE (Ouyang et al.) | 2022 |
Best Paper Award MICCAI MLCN (Ma et al.) | 2021 |
Best Demonstration runner-up MICCAI ASMUS | 2021 |
IEEE TMI Distinguished Reviewer Award | 2021 |
Best paper award MICCAI iMIMIC | 2020 |
Winner MICCAI MOOD challange | 2020 |
Imperial President’s award for outstanding research team together with Daniel Rueckert, Ben Glocker, Wenjia Bai | 2019 |
7 of my UG students won the Computing Student Centenary Prize and Corporate Partnership Commendation | 2018 |
S.M. Perren research award (for Verbruggen et al. 2018) | 2018 |
Runner up prize for the 2nd year Google poster competition entries for the work of my PhD student Benjamin Hou | 2018 |
Winner of the Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation Challenge (BraTS) 2017 (Kamnitsas et al.) | 2017 |
IEEE Senior Membership | 2017 |
IEEE PacivicVIS’17 best paper honourable mention award for the paper: ‘Placenta Maps: In Utero Placental Health Assessment of the Human Fetus’ | 2017 |
Runner up prize for the 1st year Google poster competition entries for the work of my PhD student Benjamin Hou | 2017 |
Insight-Award for the most aesthetic Visualization 2016: “Smoky hurricane” lead by R. Khlebnikov. | 2016 |
Short-listed for the Nurturing Research Talents Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions prize. | 2015 |
Best paper honorable mention award EuroGraphics. | 2014 |
Corporate Partnership Programme Award: award with my M.Eng. student at Imperial College. | 2014 |
Short-listed for the OCG Heinz Zemanek Price. | 2013 |
Best poster honorable mention for IEEE SciVis. | 2013 |
VCBM Karl-Heinz-Höhne 3rd award for “Crepuscular Rays for Tumor Accessibility Planning”. | 2013 |
Short-listed for the GI-dissertation price. | 2012 |
“Forum Technology and Society” research/dissertation prize, Graz University of Technology. | 2012 |
Ing. F. Schmiedl research prize, Research price for the best dissertation in human technology and communication technology in 2011, granted by the Ing. F. Schmiedl foundation. | 2011 |
Best paper award, International Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering. | 2011 |
ACM Honorable Mention, CGEMS SIGGRAPH Educational Committee. | 2008 |
Award for excellent performance as a student, Graz University of Technology. | 2007 |
healthcare-in-europe | 2021 |
biotechscope | 2021 |
CISION | 2021 |
MIT Technology review | 2021 |
MIT Technology review | 2020 |
Computer Vision News | 2020 |
Imperial News | 2019 |
BBC News | 2019 |
Telegraph | 2018 |
Imperial College News | 2018 |
Local Austrian News | 2018 |
Science | 2018 |
Nature | 2018 |
Newsweek | 2018 |
interview in European Hospital | 2012 |
Radio interview in Austrian media | 2012 |
Outreach activities
Imperial Festival | 28-29/04/2018 | @ Imperial Fringe: Intelligence Redesigned | 18/01/2018 | Tool to explore the functions of the human brain. | since 2017 |
Imperial Festival (coordinated a team of 4-9; more than 15,000 visitors each year; 3 days). | 2015 – 2016 |
two media interviews: European Hospital, radio interview in Austrian media | since 2012 |
six outreach lectures at UK secondary schools and Silver Crest Award. | since 2013 |
Project days in the high voltage engineering lab with primary schools, TUG, Austria | 2009 – 2012 |
Graz:CSI VITAL 2010 exhibition, Austria, (2010) | 2010 |
ECR 2008, European Society of Radiology, Vienna | 2008 |