Professor Stephen H. MuggletonFREngProfessor of Machine Learning Head of Computational Bioinformatics Laboratory
Director of Syngenta University Innovation Centre on Systems Biology at Imperial College
Editor-in-chief of the Machine Intelligence Series
Program Chair of Machine Intelligence 20 Human Like Computing and Machine Intelligence 21 Human Like Computing
Program Chair of HLC Third Wave Workshop
Program Chair of IJCLR 2022
From October 2013
Royal Academy of Engineering/Syngenta Research Chair in Machine Learning, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, University of London .
Previous position 2001-2012
Director of Modelling at the Centre for Integrative Systems Biology at Imperial College (CISBIC)
Royal Academy of Engineering/Microsoft Research Research Chair in Machine Learning, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, University of London .
Joint Research Council Chair in Computational Inference and Bioinformatics, Department of Computing, Imperial College London,
Professional Societies
- Fellow of Royal Academy of Engineering
- Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
- Fellow of the British Computer Society
- Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology
- Fellow of the Royal Society for Biology
- Board member of the International Machine Learning Society
- Fellow of the European Coordinating Committee of Artificial Intelligence
- Fellow of the Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association
Invited Talks and Keynotes
- Keynote speaker, IBM Neuro-Symbolic AI Workshop, New York (January, 2023).
- Keynote speaker, Royal Society Hooke meeting on Cognitive AI, London (September, 2022).
- Keynote speaker, Turing Perspective, London Mathematical Society, (March, 2022).
- Keynote speaker, G7 Global Forum on AI for Humanity, Paris, (October, 2019).
- Keynote speaker, A*Star conference, Singapore, (October 2018)
- Keynote speaker, Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (PRICAI), Nanjing, (August 2018) - Panelist, Times Higher Education Huawei Academic Salon, London, (June 2018)
- Keynote speaker, Joint International Semantic Technology Conference, Gold Coast (November 2017)
- Keynote speaker, RuleML+RR conference, London (July 2017)
- Keynote speaker, International Conference on Logic for Programming and Automated Reasoning, Maun (May 2017)
- Invited talk, Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS 2016), workshop on Program Induction, New York (December 2016)
- Program Chair, Machine Intelligence 20 workshop, Windsor (October 2016)
- Keynote speaker, the 2nd International workshop on Machine learning, Optimization and big Data (MOD 2016), Volterra (August 2016)
- Witness at House of Commons Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics (June 2016)
Invited speaker, NIPS 2015 workshop on Cognitive Computation (December 2015)
- Invited speaker, Dagstuhl seminar on Inductive Applications of Inductive Programming, Dagstuhl (October 2015)
Keynote speaker, ILP2015, International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, Kyoto (August 2015)
Keynote speaker, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI15) Machine Learning track, Buenos Aires (July 2015)
Departmental seminar, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh (April 2014)
Elected Fellow of the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence, Prague (August 2014)
Senior Member invited speaker, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Conference (AAAI-2014), Quebec City (July 2014)
- Departmental seminar, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh (April 2014)
- ACM CoDS2014 conference, New Delhi (March 2014)
- Invited seminar, Microsoft Research Cambridge (February 2014)
Departmental seminar, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (January 2014)
- Departmental seminar, Machine Learning Department, Carnegie-Mellon University (January 2014)
- Invited speaker, Dagstuhl seminar on “Approaches and applications of Inductive Programming” (December 2013)
- Departmental seminar, LAMDA Institute, Nanjing University (October 2013)
- Keynote Speaker, IDEAL conference, Hefei, China (October 2013)
International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (2013)
- European Conference on Artificial Intelligence special session on Alan Turing (2012)
- SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (2010)
- International Conference on Machine Learning Applications (2009)
- British Computer Society Visions of Computing Conference (2008)
- International Conference on Future Challenges for Systems Biology (2008)
- Royal Institution (2007)
- AAAI Fellows Symposium (2006)
- International Conference on Computational Methods in Systems Biology (2005)
- IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (2002)
- Conference of the Royal Statistical Society (2000)
- International Conference on Logic Programming (1995)
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (1995)
- Joint meeting of the ACM Computational Learning Theory Conference and the International Machine Learning Conference (1994)
- European Conference on Machine Learning (1993)
- Algorithmic Learning Theory Conference (1991,1993)