This project is funded by the International Technology Alliance programme in Network and Information Science between UK (MoD) and US (ARL). It investigates security in tactical clouds from two different perspectives: i) development of a declarative infrastructure for agile, robust, and scalable de-centralized security policy adaptation mechanisms for tactical clouds, and ii) decomposition of network functions (e.g. firewalls, NAT or load balancing proxies) to cope with specific network and computing limitations of the physical deployment environments and the changing characteristics of the tactical clouds. The Principal Investigator is Dr Alessandra Russo and the research is conducted in collaboration with Dr Jorge Lobo, from ICREA - UPF, Professor Peng Liu from Pennsylvania State University, and IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Centre, New York, USA.
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EPSRC project on privacy management looking at investigating how individuals learn and benefit from their membership of social or functional groups, and how such learning can be automated and incorporated into modern mobile and ubiquitous technologies that increasingly pervade society. The Principal Investigator is Dr Alessandra Russo. The project is in collaboration with the Open University and the University of Exeter. It is a three years project started in November 2013.
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Organisations, small and large, increasingly rely upon cloud environments to supply their ICT needs because clouds provide a better incremental cost structure, resource elasticity and simpler management. This trend is set to continue as increasingly information collected from mobile devices and smart environments including homes, infrastructures and smart-cities is uploaded and processed in cloud environments. Services delivered to users are also deployed in the cloud as this provides better scaleability and in some cases permits migration closer to the point of access for reduced latency. Clouds are therefore an attractive target for organised and skilled cyber-attacks. They are also more vulnerable as they host environments from multiple tenant organisations with different interests and different risk aversion profiles. Yet clouds also offer opportunities for better protection both pro-actively and reactively in response to a persistent attack
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This project is funded by the International Technology Alliance programme in Network and Information Science between UK (MoD) and US (ARL). It investigates the development of formal foundations for secure hybrid wireless networking, which supports adaptable and interoperable communication and information services for coalition operations. The Principal Investigator is Dr Alessandra Russo and the research is conducted in collaboration with Dr Jorge Lobo, form ICREA - UPF and IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Centre, New York, USA.
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EU Future and Emerging Technology (FET) project under the 7th Framework Programme, as part of the Pervasive Adaptation Initiative (PerAda). The recent advances in pervasive technologies enable construction of large-scale socio-technical systems which tightly interweave humans and their social structures with technology. The overall goal of Allow Ensembles is to develop a new design principle and establish a new foundational framework for collective adaptive systems (CAS) based on the concept of cell ensembles. The principal investigator is Dr Naranker Dulay and Dr Alessandra Russo is a co-investigator.
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EU project, part of the FP7 People Programme. It is an international research staff exchange agreement with the aim of facilitating mobility and collaboration between Argentina and Europe on the use of formal methods and logic to model, understand and analyse systems. The Principal investigator is Dr Alessandra Russo and the contact person is Dr Sebastian Uchitel.
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