Devito is a domain-specific Language (DSL) and code generation framework for the design of highly optimised finite difference kernels for use in inversion methods. Devito utilises SymPy to allow the definition of operators from high-level symbolic equations and generates optimised and automatically tuned code specific to a given target architecture.
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Firedrake is a compiler for a domain specific language - the "Unified Form Language" of the FEniCS project. Users type in their differential equation, specify how it is to be discretised, and set solver parameters. The system generates high performance code, using a variety of domain-specific optimisations - to run on your laptop, your supercomputer or in the cloud. It supports a large and growing community of users, particularly in geophysical fluid dynamics.
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OP2 is a source-to-source program transformation tool for C++ and Fortran, that supports high-performance computing with unstructured grids - as are commonly found in finite volume and finite element codes for solving partial differential equations. OP2 is based on a "decoupled access-execute" model, which separates local computation at a mesh element from the issues involved in executing it in parallel. OP2 can generate code for multicore CPUs, GPUs and large HPC clusters.
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SLAMBench is a benchmark suite for visual SLAM - simultaneous localisation and mapping, the key problem in understanding the 3D world in real time. SLAM is central to many applications in robotics, autonomous vehicles, and augemented and virtual reality. SLAMBench enables users to test different SLAM algorithms and to evaluate them with respect to accuracy, performance and power consumption - thus enabling users to map the landscape of SLAM solutions to find the right approach for their application context.
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