To study privacy management by investigating how individuals learn and benefit from their membership of social or functional groups, and how such learning can be automated and incorporated into modern mobile and ubiquitous technologies that increasingly pervade society. <br />
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Contact: Dr Alessandra Russo
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This project is funded within the International Technology Alliance programme in Network and Information Science between UK (MoD) and US (ARL). It aims to develop fundamental underpinnings for secure hybrid wireless networking that enable adaptable and interoperable communication and information services for coalition operations. <br />
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Contact: Dr Alessandra Russo
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This is a Future and Emerging Technology (FET) project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme, as part of the Pervasive Adaptation Initiative (PerAda). The recent advances in pervasive technologies enable construction of large-scale socio-technical systems which tightly interweave humans and their social structures with technology. The overall goal of Allow Ensembles is to develop a new design principle and establish a new foundational framework for collective adaptive systems (CAS) based on the concept of cell ensembles.<br />
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Contact: Dr Naranker Dulay<br />
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Develop technologies and toolkits for joint network/security management and control of coalition networks. Specifically, develop integrated declarative approach for the specification of security and overlay network management, and evaluation and analysis toolkit for robustness assurance. <br />
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Contact: Dr Alessandra Russo
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This project is an international research staff exchange agreement within the FP7 People Programme, aimed to facilitate mobility and collaboration between Argentina and Europe on the use of formal methods and logic to model, understand and analyse systems. <br />
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Contact: Sebastian Uchitel
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To investigate knowledge driven mechanisms for protecting private information, typically generated from ubiquitous computing applications, from malicious or accidental misuse. To explore privacy requirements across the general population for a specific set of ubiquitous computing technologies and use them to produce a Privacy Rights Management (PRM) framework that enables users to specify privacy preferences, to help visualize them, to learn from the user's behaviour what their likely preferences are, and to enforce privacy policies. <br />
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Contact: Professor Morris Sloman
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A five year platform grant addressing issues in: adaptive software environments; policy and security; and requirements engineering and modelling. The first Platform Grant completed 31 July 2007 but it was renewed for a further 5 years. It provided baseline funding for the DSE section.<br />
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Contact: Professor Morris Sloman
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Explore methodologies, algorithms and tools for analysis of policy-based specifications and policy-based security management. It is a five years project in collaboration with Royal Holloway College and IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Centre. <br />
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Contact: Professor Morris Sloman
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