
IBM PhD Fellowship to Radu Baltean-Lugojan

September 2017 - May 2018

The IBM PhD Fellowship Awards Program is an intensely competitive worldwide program, which honors exceptional PhD students who have an interest in solving problems that are important to IBM and fundamental to innovation in many academic disciplines and areas of study.
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Parallelising Mixed-Integer Optimisation: Energy Efficiency Applications

March 2017 - March 2018

Deterministic global optimisation of mixed integer nonlinear programs may effectively design energy efficient networks, but current technology for this problem class is limited by nonconvex nonlinear heat transfer functions and the many isomorphic possibilities of routing streams to heat exchangers.

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Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship

October 2012 - October 2017

The fellowship offers support for engineers to develop an academic research career. Ruth Misener used this opportunity to develop a hybrid computational / experimental platform for leukaemia research.
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